Logistics and energy

We are constantly reducing the amount of material used to pack and transport our products, and we work with suppliers and partners to make distribution as green as possible.


Logistics and transport have a considerable impact on the environment, which is why the Stadium Group expects certain standards from our suppliers. We are working constantly to reduce energy consumption in the area of transport. We work with eco-certified distributors on packaging and we push to reduce the amount of material used to pack and transport products, as well as ensuring that transport capacity is used to its fullest. This way, we can use fewer vehicles and thus reduce our environmental impact. We also strive to recycle as much of our packaging as possible.

As a rule we do not accept air freight – instead we almost exclusively ship goods by sea or rail from suppliers in Asia. If, for some reason, suppliers are unable to comply with this, we require them to offset their emissions.

Stores and other real estate

We constantly review our real estate to optimise the spaces in our stores and offices. We work on an ongoing basis to cut energy consumption at our distribution centres and to reduce the amount of energy used to light and heat our stores.

100% of the electricity that Stadium buys are fossil-free.

That electricity accounts for 60% of our total energy use. The remaining 40% is purchased by other parties, such as the landlords who own our store premises. Installing submeters in these stores gives us good control over energy consumption, enabling us to implement targeted measures in those stores with the highest energy consumption per square meter.

Work-related travel

At Stadium all decisions concerning work-related travel show the greatest possible consideration for the environment. Options such as tele conferencing and video conferencing must always be weighed up before any travel is agreed.

The train should be the primary transport choice, particularly when just one or two people are travelling. A bus or coach is to be used if the train is not an option, specifically for travel by large groups. If possible, the bus should be classified as a green choice.

A car is used in cases where a train or bus is not an option. When choosing a rental car, environmental and safety aspects must be considered. A taxi should only be used when the destination can’t be reached by public transport. If possible, the taxi should be classified as a green choice.

Flights are used primarily for travel abroad or when the destination can’t be reached using other means of transport within a reasonable timeframe. Other, more eco-friendly, options must always be considered first.